Level Of Chemical NDMA In Zantac Pills Can Cause Cancers: Pancreatic, Stomach, Colon, Rectal, Bladder, Kidney
(Posted by Tom Lamb at DrugInjuryWatch.com)
On April 1, 2020, the FDA announced that it was requesting a Zantac recall due to the presence of a contaminant known as N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in Zantac and all other medications containing ranitidine. This fact that there is the chemical NDMA in Zantac pills and other ranitidine medications is significant because NDMA is a probable human carcinogen. Put otherwise, the chemical NDMA in Zantac pills is a substance that could cause cancer of the: pancreas (pancreatic cancer), stomach, colon, rectum (rectal cancer), bladder, or kidney (renal cancer).
For background, we suggest you may want to read this earlier article we wrote back in November 2019:
- Zantac FDA Warning In September 2019 Leads To Lawsuits For Patients Diagnosed With Cancer -- Cases Involve Stomach, Colon, Rectal, Bladder, Kidney, And Pancreatic Cancers Diagnosed After Taking Zantac
Returning to the April 2020 Zantac recall announcement, we get the following details from this document, "FDA Requests Removal of All Ranitidine Products (Zantac) from the Market":
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration today announced it is requesting manufacturers withdraw all prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) ranitidine drugs from the market immediately. This is the latest step in an ongoing investigation of a contaminant known as N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in ranitidine medications (commonly known by the brand name Zantac). The agency has determined that the impurity in some ranitidine products increases over time and when stored at higher than room temperatures and may result in consumer exposure to unacceptable levels of this impurity. As a result of this immediate market withdrawal request, ranitidine products will not be available for new or existing prescriptions or OTC use in the U.S....
New FDA testing and evaluation prompted by information from third-party laboratories confirmed that NDMA levels increase in ranitidine even under normal storage conditions, and NDMA has been found to increase significantly in samples stored at higher temperatures, including temperatures the product may be exposed to during distribution and handling by consumers. The testing also showed that the older a ranitidine product is, or the longer the length of time since it was manufactured, the greater the level of NDMA. These conditions may raise the level of NDMA in the ranitidine product above the acceptable daily intake limit.
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According to medical research, some of the cancers associated with Zantac use due to NDMA exposure include:
- Pancreatic cancer
- Stomach cancer
- Colon cancer
- Rectal cancer
- Bladder cancer
- Kidney cancer
Our law firm is currently investigating possible Zantac cancer lawsuits for personal injury and wrongful death cases. Please feel free to contact us if you want help evaluating a Zantac case. This service is free, confidential, and there is no obligation.
DrugInjuryLaw.com: Medical & Legal Information About Drug Side Effects (All website content by attorney Tom Lamb)
Drug Injury Case Evaluation - Free. Confidential. No Obligation. (Case review is done by attorney Tom Lamb)