Bayer Claims It Settled About 300 Of These Cases While Another 1300 Lawsuits Were Filed From Mid-October 2014 To The End Of January 2015
(Posted by Tom Lamb at
For establishing a baseline as regards the current progress (or lack thereof) being made by Bayer to resolve the YAZ / Yasmin litigation which began back in 2009, from this article, "December 2014 YAZ / Yasmin Litigation Update: Still Over 2000 DVT And/Or PE Cases Not Settled According To Bayer's Most Recent Financial Report", we get these numbers:
- As of October 13, 2014, the number of claimants in the pending lawsuits and claims in the United States totaled about 4,000 (excluding claims already settled).
- As of October 13, 2014, Bayer had reached agreements, without admission of liability, to settle the claims of approximately 9,200 claimants in the U.S. for a total amount of about US$1.8 billion.
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Next, we go to the PRODUCT-RELATED LITIGATION part of Bayer's Annual Report 2014 (at pg. 311 of the PDF document):
Yasmin™ / yaz™: As of January 31, 2015, the number of claimants in the pending lawsuits and claims in the United States totaled about 5,000 (excluding claims already settled). Claimants allege that they have suffered personal injuries, some of them fatal, from the use of Bayer’s drospirenone-containing oral contraceptive products such as Yasmin™ and / or yaz™ or from the use of Ocella™ and / or Gianvi™, generic versions of Yasmin™ and yaz™, respectively, marketed by Barr Laboratories, Inc. in the United States. Claimants seek compensatory and punitive damages, claiming, in particular, that Bayer knew, or should have known, of the alleged risks and should be held liable for having failed to disclose them or adequately warn users. All cases pending in U.S. federal courts have been consolidated in a multidistrict litigation proceeding for common pre-trial management....
As of January 31, 2015, Bayer had reached agreements, without admission of liability, to settle approximately 9,500 claims in the U.S. for venous clot injuries (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism) for a total amount of about US$1.9 billion. Bayer will continue to consider the option of settling such claims after a case-specific analysis of medical records. At present, about 2,000 such claims are under review....
Additional lawsuits are anticipated....
Again, the Bayer DRSP birth control pills Beyaz and Safyral are not mentioned -- but we know lawsuits for women who developed blood clots, including some who died, have been filed against the drug company.
We will continue to monitor developments in the YAZ / Yasmin / Beyaz / Safyral / Gianvi / Ocella litigation, especially as regards deep vein thrombosis (DVT) cases and pulmonary embolism (PE) lawsuits pending against Bayer in the federal court MDL and other US courts.
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