And New Blood Clot Side Effect Lawsuits, Including Some Involving The Lesser-Known Safyral And Beyaz DRSP Pills, Are Still Being Filed Against Bayer
(Posted by Tom Lamb at
Bayer's latest update on the ongoing litigation concerning its drospirenone (DRSP) birth control pills -- Yasmin, YAZ, Safyral, and Beyaz -- as set forth in its Stockholders' Newsletter Financial Report as of September 30, 2014, published on October 30, 2014, is as follows:
Yasmin™ / YAZ™: As of October 13, 2014, the number of claimants in the pending lawsuits and claims in the United States totaled about 4,000 (excluding claims already settled). Claimants allege that they have suffered personal injuries, some of them fatal, from the use of Bayer’s drospirenone-containing oral contraceptive products such as Yasmin™ and / or YAZ™ or from the use of Ocella™ and / or Gianvi™, generic versions of Yasmin™ and YAZ™, respectively, marketed by Barr Laboratories, Inc. in the United States.
As of October 13, 2014, Bayer had reached agreements, without admission of liability, to settle the claims of approximately 9,200 claimants in the U.S. for a total amount of about US$1.8 billion. Bayer has only been settling claims in the U.S. for venous clot injuries (deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism) after a case-specific analysis of medical records on a rolling basis. Such injuries are alleged by about 2,100 of the pending unsettled claimants. Bayer will continue to consider the option of settling such individual lawsuits in the U.S. on a case-by-case basis.
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This information can be compared to what we found in Bayer's prior corporate financial report, as discussed in this post, "Summer 2014 Update YAZ / Yasmin / Ocella / Gianvi Litigation: Bayer Reports On Total Settlements And Number Of Pending Claims":
- Settlements with about 8,900 claimants for total of $1.8 billion;
- The number of pending claims with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and/or pulmonary embolism (PE) -- the "venous clot injuries" -- is approximately 2400; and,
- There are an estimated 2,600 claims with other alleged drospirenone (DRSP) related injuries, such as arterial clots.
To put all of this into context, the YAZ / Yasmin litigation began back in mid-2009 when the first lawsuits against Bayer were filed. In January 2012 Bayer decided to begin to attempt to negotiate settlements for YAZ / Yasmin / Ocella / Gianvi blood clot lawsuits, e.g., deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE), on a case-by-case basis. And new lawsuits, including some cases involving Safyral and Beyaz, are still being filed against Bayer to date.
We will continue to monitor this Bayer birth control pills litigation and periodically report developments here, as we have over the past few several years.
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