In April 2, 2009 Letter They State There Is "systemic corruption and wrongdoing that permeates all levels of FDA" Which Needs To End
(Posted by Tom Lamb at
ABC News has posted on their website a slightly redacted copy of an April 2, 2009 letter by nine FDA staffers -- apparently in the FDA's Office of Device Evaluation -- to President Barack Obama.
This scathing (and seemingly unprecedented) letter was sent just days after President Obama appointed Dr. Joshua Sharfstein to be Acting Commissioner until Dr. Margaret Hamburg is confirmed as the new FDA Commissioner, hopefully, in the near future.
Here are the first and last paragraphs of this April 2009 six-page FDA staff letter to President Obama.
Dear Mr. President:
The purpose of this letter is to draw your attention to the frustration and outrage that FDA physicians and scientists, public advocacy groups, the press, and the American people, have repeatedly expressed over the misdeeds of FDA officials. Recent press reports revealed extensive evidence of serious wrongdoing by Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach, Dr. Frank M. Torti, top FDA attorneys, Center and Office Directors, and many others in prominent positions of authority at FDA. As a result, Dr. Frank M. Torti, Acting Commissioner and the FDA’s first Chief Scientist, abruptly left the Agency. But, the many other FDA managers who have failed to protect the American public, who have violated laws, rules, and regulations, who have suppressed or altered scientific or technological findings and conclusions, who have abused their power and authority, and who have engaged in illegal retaliation against those who speak out, have not been held accountable and remain in place....
All FDA employees who are committed to public integrity, who follow the laws, rules and regulations, who use science to promote public safety and health, and who have the courage and patriotism to speak out, must be protected and must have their professional lives restored. We ask that you accept nothing less.
The names of the nine FDA staff members who signed this letter to President Obama were redacted, i.e., blacked-out, on the version that was posted on the ABC News web site.
Consistent with the authors of this letter, I hope President Obama ensures that the new leadership of our FDA restores the agency to its rightful purpose.