Patients Should Use These Free Self-help Resources In Addition To Telling Doctor About All Current Drugs And Supplements
(Posted by Tom Lamb at
In the February 27, 2007 edition of the Washington Post staff writer January W. Payne compiled a list of free internet sites which patients can use to research newly prescribed drugs and to check for possible dangerous drug interactions.
There are actually two lists of internet medical sites in this Post article, the first is "Medication Information" and the second is "Drug Interaction Checkers".
Of course, as pointed out in the prelude to these two lists, a patient should let their doctors and pharmacist know about every prescription drug as well as any and all dietary supplements -- vitamins, minerals, herbs -- they are currently using when there is any talk about a new medication being added to their drug therapy regimen.
To be clear, the internet resources compiled in this February 27 Post article are meant to supplement, not replace, the patient's discussion with their doctors and pharmacist.
In an era where patients seem to be prescribed more and more drugs by their several different doctors, self-help as regards potentially fatal drug interactions is vital.