Quoted from http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/16/us-adhd-drugs-idUSTRE74F0TH20110516
Risk of death no greater with ADHD drugs: study
By Frederik Joelving
NEW YORK | Mon May 16, 2011 1:19am EDT
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Drugs to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, don't appear to put kids at higher risk of heart problems or death, scientists said Monday.
Scattered reports of sudden deaths among children on the medications have caused concern among parents and doctors in recent years, and several of the drugs now carry warnings about heart complications and behavioral side effects.
While the new study has limitations, researchers called the findings reassuring.
"The risk of death is certainly no higher in children who take ADHD medications than in children who don't," said Sean Hennessy, a pharmacist at Philadelphia's University of Pennsylvania, who led the work.
Some 2.7 million children and teens in the U.S. use the drugs, which are stimulants that can raise blood pressure and heart rate. The drugs include Novartis' Ritalin and Shire's Adderall.
The new study, funded by Shire, is based on claims data from Medicaid and a commercial insurer. It includes more than 240,000 kids ages three to 17, who received ADHD drugs and were followed for 135 days on average.