Quoted from http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/09/us-bayer-swiss-yasmin-idUSBRE9080LN20130109
Swiss health insurer makes claim against Bayer over Yasmin pill
ZURICH/FRANKFURT | Wed Jan 9, 2013 8:53am ESTZURICH/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Switzerland's biggest health insurer CSS is supporting a young woman in her claim against Bayer, as the fall-out from alleged side effects of the German drugmaker's contraceptive pill Yasmin widens.
Bayer is already under fire in other markets over new-generation contraceptives. France will stop reimbursing prescription costs of some types from March, after a woman sued Bayer over alleged side effects.
CSS said on Wednesday it supported its client in her claim against Bayer and is acting as a joint plaintiff. The health insurer is demanding payment from Bayer to cover medical costs.
Swiss media reported the young woman suffered from a pulmonary embolism that left her severely disabled a few weeks after being prescribed the pill. The cost of medical treatment has amounted to some 600,000 Swiss francs ($648,600), according to reports.
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