Quoted from http://professional.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443571904577631883702006726.html
Article Says Agency Let Risky Drugs Hit Market
September 4, 2012
An FDA effort to speed approval of new medicines allowed drugs for stroke prevention, cancer and multiple sclerosis onto the market without proper safety analysis, according to two drug-safety experts.
In an article to be published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Thomas J. Moore and Curt D. Furberg wrote that the Food and Drug Administration's push to get medicines to market may have compromised prescription-drug safety. They cite an MS drug with apparent adverse effects on the heart and many other risks, and an anticoagulant linked to bleeding that is proving difficult to treat.
"These examples raise the question of whether it was good policy to approve three innovative new drugs with significant safety questions unanswered," Mr. Moore and Dr. Furberg wrote.