Quoted from http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=az.2zGM2LHx4
Glaxo E-Mails Over Paxil Study Must Be Turned Over for Trial
By Jef Feeley and Margaret Cronin Fisk
Sept. 15 (Bloomberg) -- GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s e-mails with researchers studying birth defects allegedly caused by the drugmaker’s Paxil antidepressant must be turned over to a family suing over the drug, a federal judge ruled.
U.S. District Judge Nancy Gertner in Boston today refused to block William Seale’s family from reviewing e-mails and other communications between Glaxo and Boston University researchers over Paxil’s birth-defect risks. The 1-year-old Seale, whose pregnant mother took the antidepressant, died in 2004 after three surgeries to address heart defects, according to court filings.
Seale’s family contends officials at London-based Glaxo, which funded the birth-defect research, sought to influence the study’s results to help protect the company from lawsuits, Gertner said in her ruling. The study was done at the university’s Slone Epidemiology Center.